Over on MusicBizAdvice.com, we've posted two new articles containing dos and don'ts of Marketing and Promotion:
Marketing and Promotion Blunders Part One: Don't Let This Happen to You
Marketing and Promotion Blunders Part Two: Four Crucial Tips to Remember .
I wrote these articles using real-life examples from promo pieces sent to my email box. When I write How-Tos, I prefer to focus on how you can get it right, as opposed to what others do wrong, but the blunders in these were so unbelievably bad, I had to share them with you. (One was from a company that teaches marketing webinars and charges thousands of dollars for their marketing software.)
Here's hoping these tips will help you, and that you'll have more success with your marketing and promotion efforts than the senders of the original emails!
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© 2013 Randi Reed and MusicBizAdvice.com .