Friday, August 08, 2014

I'm Quoted in Solveig Whitle's Musician Blog: "25 Tips From Music Marketing Experts For an Indie Release"


I'm quoted on the August 07 edition of the Solveig Whittle Music, Marketing, and Social Media blog, (along with with some fabulous people like the legendary Bob Baker), in an article called "25 Tips From Music Marketing Experts For an Indie Release".

One of the coolest things about the article is the breadth of ideas...everything from simple and easy tips, to  detailed steps. There's really good stuff in there, from many points of view.

It was an honor to be asked, and working with the Solveig Whittle team was a pleasure.

I've had such a crazy week (three different deadlines), I haven't had a chance to even add it to the Media Tools section of my bio yet, so you're among the first to know.

Don't follow my lead on that, by the way...Unlike me, when you get press or media attention, you'll do it correctly by adding it to the "Media" section of your website right away. Right???

Remember: media attention isn't isn't for your ego. It's to bring you new opportunities.

Have a great weekend!